Friday, January 29, 2010

UBCTC Spring Fling Race Series

After very little debate, the name of this race series has not been changed, therefore I am making the executive decision and keeping it there for simplicity.

We haven't worked out the exact dates of all the events, however, the first two events which will be taking place Pre-Olympics are going to be as follows.

Sunday February 7th, 2010
- 500m Swim Test Set

Wednesday February 10th 2010
- 5km Run TT

Gross I know, but I figured we would keep the more exciting events for after the holiday.

Realizing that this is somewhat hard with midterm crunch we are going to adapt the point system a little bit just this time.

In order to get full participation points, the event needs to be done sometime between now and the 12th when the Olympics start, however, if you can't make one of these events due to studying or exams, then simply let an executive know that you have done it and we will mark down your time.

The 5 km course will be decided on this week to make it fair for everyone.

Cool, I hope people are pumped. After all the smack talk last semester, I hope we can keep up the intensity.

1 comment:

Nathaniel said...

I heard rumours that Matt Reeve cheated on the last series and the side-effects will be his downfall for this race series